This is the team roster for the current year with the sub-team leaders being first in the list.
Team President:
Leo H.
CAD/ Design:
Student Lead: Emiliano M.
Noah C., Darwin H., Niko H., Eli M., Emiliano M.
Student Lead: Hector L.
Arad A., Parker F., Leo H., Hector L., Eli M., Keith S., Minie S., Lulu T., Cody V., Will V., Mason W., Ronan W.
Student Lead: Zain J.
Avery A., David C., Leena D., Zain J., Kennyson L., Nirmit P., Greg S., Jack T., Sam T.
Student Lead: Paul C.
Sam B., Paul C., Leena D., Darwin H., Leo H., Zain J., Hector L., Emiliano M., Emerson P.
Are you interested in joining our team? Please feel free to speak with any team member or use the “Contact Us” form to reach a mentor. See you in the shop!