Here we are 7 weeks into our build season and not a single thing was done.
Just pulling your tail! We got a robot almost done. Almost every veteran has pointed out that this is the cleanest and best packed robot they’ve made/seen. That’s a great compliment for the CAD team to hear since they’ve spent hours trying to figure out how to package this year’s bot. Because going short was decided to be the best strategy, we now face the challenges to fit every component below the 28” limit of the control panel. Most of the mechanisms are finalized, the shooter is getting fabricated today and our bellypan needs to be adjusted to account for our gearboxes. Other than these adjustments which should be finalized by tonight, everything needs to be assembled!
It’s been a busy time for the team in assembly. If members of CAD, manufacturing and programming are “not busy on a project” they are tasked with parts of assembly. This helps the members be updated on the final robot and not out of the loop. With them having “built” a piece of the robot, no matter what subgroup they are on, they have a piece of the robot that they put together. This way, we have programmers and CAD know the mechanisms they work on, not only the code or design involved in the mechanisms!
We have two weeks left before Del Rio and we are in high gear!
We hope to see y’all there!