We are back, have you missed us? (Bet you did)
Today's blog will be recapping weeks 2 and 3! Lots have been happening and competitions are nearing, and we simply can’t wait to tell you about our progress!
First and foremost, Business. For week 3, our team member Gavin has continuously been working on the podcast. We already have a rough draft of what it's going to be like. Other than our podcast, the business team has been working on videography, and social media and finishing up our essays as of impact and woodies. We have already gotten our nominee for the 2023 season( nobody but the business team knows haha). We also have been keeping up with designing our billboard to bring more people into the world of FRC and VEX! Our graphic designers are working on our shirts for this season as well as getting quotes from companies. Looking for new sponsors. The leads of outreach have been focusing on keeping others of FRC with events, such as the upcoming FLL event! The one and only button teens have started making pins. The photographer will always have the same never ending job of taking photos, without them I wouldn’t be able to shower y'all without wonderful photos and the progress of our team!
Programming on the other hand has been working on a new scouting app for the team. This would make organizing, and analyzing other teams to strategize later games easier for our team. they also have worked on building codes for both intake and floor anticipated food intake mechanisms. Following with developing code for buddy intake. As for other objectives they've been working like swerve-auton, arm system, and arm logging. They have continued to work on this for the last two weeks.
Meanwhile, manufacturing has already assembled the majority of the field and grid. Now, they have started working on a charging station and made parts for prototyping. They continue this for most of week 2. In week three, they were ready to begin assembling the charging station for the 2023 game. Continues making parts for prototyping with the help of cad. Manufacturing has also been teaching routers and HASS.
Speaking of CAD, they have also been busy. Operating with both manufacturing & programming to get their main objectives done. They have got the dual roller prototype complete, as well as the majority of prototypes for the prototype intake. They have combined both the dual-roller and weed-wrecker in-take onto the robot. Following week three, they progressed to floor intake prototyping. CAD has moved on to prototyping with this season's games charge station. With this, our robot can now hold cannoli! They still proceed to work and do a great job. Can't wait to see what else happens in the future!
Moving on from what the subgroups have been doing, our team leads keep updating us with things to keep the team on track. Our scouting team has also begun meeting to plan everything for this year's competitions. The drive team has also continually trained and worked hard.
With this, my recap has come to an end. The team has progressed so much in the past weeks. It's all been such an experience. With every day passing by, competitions only seem to be getting closer. I am going through a roller coaster of emotions. How about you? I am so excited to tell you more about the wonders of the ausTIN CANs, but for now.. you will have to wait! Talk to you guys next time with the…..
THE AUSTIN CANS!!!!!!!!!!!