2020's robot, Azeem, was prepared to compete in FIRST's challenge: INFINITE RECHARGE in partnership with Lucasfilm. Our robot was able to collect, store and score power cells (foam balls) and climb the generator switch with one other robot, and stay level.
Azeem’s intake is the first mechanism involved in the scoring of power cells. The intake spins throughout the match for the robot to pick up the power cells. The conveyor takes the balls from the intake and hopper and funnels them in a neat line to the shooter. The shooter’s pneumatic hood is positioned at two angles: 20 degrees and 64 degrees. With a 4-inch Flywheel and an adjustable RPM, we are able to shoot the power cells into their scoring destination from various positions. Lastly, the robot’s drive base has a custom 2-stage gearbox that can run at about 13 ft/sec.
Our drivebase is fitted with six 6” Pneumatic Wheels and 6 Neos on either side of the signature West Coast drivetrain providing extreme versatility on the field. With a custom 2-stage gearbox and a 9.7:1 reduction, we can reach 13 ft/sec. This allows for smooth traversal of the rendezvous point and enough traction for accurate autonomous routines and driver control.
Our robot is driven with two Logitech controllers. The driver’s controller was used for moving and turning the robot as well as shooting, where the operator’s controlled the intake, hopper, and climber subsystems. We used a Limelight to help position ourselves to score accurately. Due to the pneumatic hood’s adjustable angle, we would need to “tuck” it in so it could run through the trench. We would often go under the trench then prepare to shoot immediately after, so the operator had to time it just right with the motion of the robot.
This year’s robot saw interesting electrical changes from previous seasons. We decided to switch to easily removable parts to ensure quick and easy repairs during competition. To better fit with all the mechanisms, the electrical panel needed to be on two levels, tucked underneath the hopper.
FIT Del Rio District Event
FIT District Event Winners
Industrial Design Award
Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, no other events were played