2023’s robot, Dyson, was prepared to compete in FIRST’s challenge: Charged Up presented by the HAAS Foundation. This game focused on two kinds of cargo, those being cons & cubes. Dyson was able to pick up cargo with a fast & effective intake, moving it to charge up the grid. filling up the grid as much as it CAN. By the time it’s endgame, Dyson is able to balance on what we call the charging station, earning more points for when the game ends.
Dyson scores using a double jointed arm with 2 NEOs at each joint. The bottom joint of the arm uses a unique crank-rocker 4 bar linkage with a 23.3:1 reduction (the “choo choo” mechanism), in order to lift the arm. The top joint is manipulated by a chain system. Game pieces are acquired through the use of a dual top roller intake, which can intake cones (in the knocked over position) and cubes from the floor. The arm is mostly automated, chaining a set of pre-programmed points together for the driver to cycle through with the click of a button.
Dyson has a swerve drive, using 4 SDS Mk4i swerve modules. This allows the robot to translate in any direction and rotate while translating, all while moving at speeds approaching 14.5 ft/s. Additionally, the robot is much easier to operate, due to the implementation of field oriented controls.
Our robot is driven with two Logitech controllers. The driver’s controller was used for moving and turning the robot as well as shooting, where the operator’s controlled the intake, hopper, and climber subsystems. We didn’t use a limelight or turret, meaning that aiming was more difficult and precise.
Electronics are pretty similar to previous years in terms of actual materials, but they’re packaged much differently. To make our robot look cleaner and more organized, we decided to arrange all of the electronics out of sight from normal view.
FIT Waco District Event
Team 2158 was Rank 26 with a record of 7-8-0
FIRST In Texas District Championship - Mercury Division
Team 2158 was Rank 8 with a record of 9-6-0.
FIT Houston District Event
District event Finalist
Industrial Design Award sponsored by General Motors.